Promote & Monetize your Events here

Create Free/Paid Events, Get Registrations & Sell Tickets.

Create an Event

How to Monetize ?

You can monetize your Paid Events such as Conferences, Concerts, Corporate Trainings & etc in 3 simple steps.

Create an Event

Enter your event details & create an Event page at EventsHere.

Sell Event Tickets

Promote your Event page & get your attendees to buy event tickets for your Event.

Collect Payments

Get your total ticket payments minus fees transferred to your bank account the next day after the event.

But for Online Events ?
YES, here's how!

Host your event on Any Platform

Use Zoom, Meet, CyberTeach or any platform to host your event. Just schedule a Meeting from any of them & copy paste its Meeting Invite Link while you create your event page on EventsHere.

Give secure access to Invite Link

EventsHere will encrypt your Meeting Invite Link & deliver it securely via Email to attendees who register or buy tickets, so only the registered or paid attendees will be able to attend your Online Event only when the event starts.

All the Features you want

Unique Event Page

You get a unique webpage for your event which you can promote among attendees

Free Event Listing

Your event will be listed on EventsHere, so anyone can find it by browsing events

Attendee Registrations

Your attendees will be registered when they buy tickets, so you will get all the details of the attendees

Online Ticket Selling

You can use your Event page to sell tickets of your Event, so attendees can buy tickets online

Multiple Payment Options

Your attendees can pay online via PayHere to buy your tickets with cards & payment apps such as HelaPay, Frimi & Genie.

Next Day Payouts

Your total ticket sales minus fees will be paid out to your bank account the next day after the event.

How about the Fee ?

Flat 7% per ticket

Including Payment Gateway fees.
No fees at all to create FREE Events & get attendee registrations.


Anyone. Corporate Trainers, Sales Gurus, Tutors, Panelists, Event Organizers, Influencers, Musicians, Content Creators or anyone can create & list Free or Paid events at EventsHere for FREE.

How can I promote my Event?

You will get a unique Event Page for your event when you create an event with EventsHere. You can share the link of that page on Social Media to promote your event & get your attendees to buy tickets to your event.

How will my attendees receive their ticket?

Attendees will receive their ticket as a PDF to their Email. They can show the PDF on their phone or bring a printout to the event.

How can I validate the tickets shown by attendees?

You can validate the tickets using the EventsHere Check-in App. You just need to scan the QR code in the ticket using the Check-in App when the attendees show the ticket on their phone or as a printout.

How can I monitor my ticket sale?

You can monitor the number of tickets sold & the number of check-ins by simply logging into your EventsHere account.

How can I get my ticket payments collected?

You can add your Bank Account details in your EventsHere account. The total ticket sales minus the EventsHere fee will be settled to your bank account, the next day of the event after verification.

Can I use EventsHere for Online Events such as Webinars?

Yes. You can schedule your Online event on any platform like Zoom or Meet & give its Invite Link when you create your event page at EventsHere.

EventsHere will encrypt your Invite Link & deliver it securely via Email to attendees who register or buy tickets, so only the registered or paid attendees will be able to attend your Online Event only when the event starts.

Will my Invite Link of an Online Event be exposed to the public?

No. Your Invite Link will be encrypted & delivered only to the registered or paid attendees, so that they can access the Event only by signing in to their EventsHere account & only when the event starts.

What do I get for listing my Free Events at EventsHere?

You get a unique Event Page for your event which you can promote to your audience & get your event registrations with all the details of your attendees through that.

Your event will also be listed on EventsHere for anyone to browse & find your event.

Who is behind EventsHere?

EventsHere is another Digital Platform by Bhasha, the Digital Innovations Company behind Helakuru, PayHere & HelaPay platforms. Payment processing is powered by PayHere, a Central Bank approved Sri Lankan Payment Service.